Let's Talk About
Egg Freezing

When should a women freeze her eggs?

When it comes to egg freezing for IVF later in life, age is definitely a factor, so the younger you freeze your eggs the better.

It’s best to do it before you’re 38 — because after that, your eggs are less likely to tolerate the freezing and thawing process, decreasing your chances of a pregnancy down the track.


How long can female eggs be frozen?

Your eggs can be frozen safely for a very long time. The bigger question is, what are the success rates? They vary, but they’re influenced by the age you are at the time of freezing. Naturally, younger eggs result in higher success. If you freeze your eggs when you’re under 35, egg survival rates after thawing are about 85-90%, with pregnancy rates 30-50%.

But how long can a woman freeze her eggs? For as long as you like.

Why should I freeze my eggs?

It varies from patient to patient. The process preserves your fertility by capturing your eggs at a younger age and increasing your chances of a successful pregnancy later. It’s especially good when you want to focus solely on your career for the time being, if you have a medical condition that’s affecting your fertility, or when you simply want future family planning flexibility.

How does the female egg freezing process work?

Egg freezing involves ovarian stimulation through a series of hormone injections, egg retrieval under anaesthesia, and freezing through a process called vitrification. When you’re ready to conceive, your thawed eggs are fertilised with sperm and the embryos are then transferred to your uterus.

Are there any risks or side effects?

The egg freezing process is generally safe, but minor risks include reaction to medications, infection, or ovarian hyperstimulation. You might also experience side-effects like bloating, discomfort, or mood changes during hormone stimulation.

Is egg freezing guaranteed to work? 

No fertility treatment guarantees success, but freezing your eggs gives you a proactive option for preserving your fertility. Success can depend on various factors like age, egg quantity, egg quality, and your overall health.

“With egg freezing...I will be very happy when you come to me under the age of 35, but really any time until about age 38 is good too.”
Dr Erin Fuller